Many people travel through life with one goal and that is to find their true purpose on this planet. Everybody has one. Some are lucky to find it and some die never reaching their true potential. The story is usually the same: you get good at something but it never sticks and soon you find yourself starting something new. After a while you become a jack of many trades but a master at none. This too was my story, until one day art became my life.
I have been drawing since I was a kid, but because society tells you it's nearly impossible to make a living from art, it was never on my mind to become an artist. I draw because it's the reason I was born. I draw because when I do, nothing else exists. I draw because I love to see the expression on people's faces when they see my art for the first time. I see my work as innovative inkblots triggering the right parts of the brain to inspire positive thoughts.
My art is a combination of my emotions, experiences, and the power of the Universe. Often times when I draw, and I am in my "zone," I feel like a higher power is using me as a brush and my conscious mind is not part of the process. I believe anyone with a passion to draw can reach this state if they push themselves hard enough and are creating art that comes truly from within and is not a copy of anything else. I strive to not only create a beautiful image, but to paint a detailed moving story. Each element has a meaning, each line has a purpose. Blink and you might miss something.
When most people see my art, they almost always assume I must be under the influence of some heavy psychedelics. They are almost always surprised to find out that I have never tried and don't do any kind of drugs. As one of my major artistic influences Salvador Dali once said: "I don't do drugs. I am drugs."
I am very lucky to have found my true calling. I will draw until the day I die and I will continue pushing my talent as far as I can, to see what’s possible at the very far limit of imagination.
- Daniel Militonian ( Dunkees )